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Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Build an Elemental Hero deck

Here's a guide on Elemental Heroes; their main goal is fusion, as mostof the best monster are with that category. In the anime however, they have more fictional hero cards that have never been released in English. Most regular heroes require no tribute, except for Necroshade and Bladedge. Fusion support is HUGELY required in this deck; Especially with hero fusion support like Miracle Fusion, which remove heroes in the graveyard for a fusion summon. Oddly enough with the cards released, heroes could be extended into a Neo-Spacian deck with Neos released, but with the new fusions from Air Neos, Glow Neos, etc., it's not recommended. Super Polymerization is also handy in this deck. First you can have a fusion monster attack and then, during the battle phase, use De-Fusion and send the fusion monster back to the extra deck and summon the two monsters (or more) from your graveyard used to form it and have them attack. Finally, use Super Polymerization, also during the battle phase, and fuse the monsters again and have the fusion monster strike a third blow. Of course with Fusion Gate and Miracle Fusion, it won't work as they will be removed. Nevertheless, hero cards are rare at this point with new synchro cards being released, so finding one could be hard.

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